I wanted to create a conundrum, like Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland". I've owned this internet real estate for so long and it's been so many things, but never anything close to what I really wanted it to be. So, I wiped the slate clean and started fresh. Everything here is interactive. It's to be explored, clicked on, and dug into. There's no right or wrong way to experience The Usual Dosage, and your experience here will differ than mine, or someone else's. Some of it is art, some of it is science. I don't care if you don't like it; it's not for you anyway. Now, click the pencil, and let's get going.

Code is a perfect union of science and art. At its core, code contains mathematical rules. These rules are then applied by a programmer to achieve a goal. It could be the creation of a program to develop art, or a program that in itself is art. We have seen in nature how beautiful things can be defined by math. For example, we can see the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio when we look at sunflowers, pine cones or nautilus shells. In digital art, we get the same effect. Code is hidden beneath the beauty, but if you look close enough, you’ll find it.

Most people take the work artists do for granted. I’ve heard countless people indicate they could easily create a Jackson Pollack painting. Similarly, most people take code for granted. When they visit the website, little, if any, thought goes into the design aspect that one or more developers had to apply to make the thing usable. Of course, good layout doesn’t make beauty, it just makes usability. When was the last time you visited a website and thought, "wow, this website is really beautiful?"

There is such a focus and demand to make all websites look like other, highly valued websites. When Facebook came around, there was a revival of simplicity, low color usage and clean, square lines. Before, rounded panels and glossy buttons were all the rage. Corporate websites have to look clean and cool, but there’s even beauty in that. The same way a fifty story corporate office building is in some way beautiful to its architect, a Geocities website from 1997 built with animated graphics and popups was beautiful to its architect back then. Beauty, like in the case of a Jackson Pollack painting, is all relative.